© Nedap N.V. Nedap Readers Installation Guide Page 16 of 215. Convexs/Invexs LED and Beeper controlThe Convexs/Invexs has three LED’s (red, green and blue) and a buzzer to give additional information to theuser. At the backside of the Convexs/Invexs, a status LED (blue) and ID led (green) are available.5.1. User LED’s• UL LED (green), controlled by a hardware signal to connector A8Or if rs485NR protocol is used, UL LED is controlled over the RS485 communication line.• NA LED (red), controlled by a hardware signal to connector A10Or if rs485NR protocol is used, NA LED is controlled over the RS485 communication line.• Status LED (blue):The blue LED is used as status indication to the user.Up from certain AEOS and firmware versions the blue LED can also be controlled over the RS485NRprotocol. Otherwise it must be activated at the Configuration (AEreco). If activated the blue LED will beactive if both other LED’s or OFF. So if both UL and NA are OFF )NA LED must be OFF ±1 sec) , theblue LED automatically will be ON.5.2. BeeperThe Beeper can be controlled by:• Hardware signal to connector A7Or if rs485NR2 protocol is used, Beeper is controlled over the RS485 communication line.• Software if card is detected (at AEreco: NA/UL beep):o If UL LED is activated (valid card) beeper is shortly activatedo IF NA LED is activated (invalid card) beeper is 3 times shortly activatedThe volume of the beeper can also be controlled by AEreco (valid for both hardware and software setting).The beeper is also used for indicating the status of loading the configuration at the Convexs/Invexs.5.3. Status LED’sThe blue LED at the front side is used to indicate if a configuration is loaded at the Convexs/Invexs.The blue status LED at the backside is used to indicate the status of the Convexs/Invexs reader, the green IDLED to indicate the detection of a card.See Installation sheet for detailed information.6. Invexs PIN modesOn the Invexs different modes for using the PIN code are available. These are depending off the usedcommunication protocol.6.1. RS485NRThe activation of the PIN is controlled over the RS485NR communication, by the used AEbcs. The AEbcsdetermine if the PIN code is activated or not (and if also the PIN code LED’s are activated then).6.2. WiegandThe PIN code (if the LED’s behind the ciphers are activated) acts different, depending on the version of theInvexs firmware:• Invexs versions before 2.06If card is detected by the Invexs, the PIN code LED’s are turned on.At Wiegand the PIN code LED’s are turned off by: change at NA or UL LED, or after time-out• Invexs versions after 2.06Up from 2.06 it is possible to make a setting on AEreco (version > 2.1.0) to set the PIN code always on.Default setting as with version before 2.06, if via AEreco the new option is activated, the PIN code isalways on (independent of a badge detection)This option requires also modified firmware at the used AEpack (check AEpack version file for this).