© Nedap N.V. Nedap Readers Installation Guide Page 10 of 21The Wiegand output can be used to connect to Third party systems or to the AEOS APx003 readers with theappropriate Wiegand protocol.At AEreco the output format must be configured as: Wiegand and the correct type of Wiegand protocol.3.3.1. Wiegand formatsSeveral Wiegand formats can be used:- Wiegand 26- Wiegand 32- Wiegand 32bin- Wiegand 37- Wiegand 64bin- Wiegand 128binWiegand data is been sent at D0 and D1, signals are active low.3.3.2. Wiegand timingTiming:Tpw Pulse Width Time : 60usecTpi Pulse Interval Time : 60 usec3.3.3. Wiegand 26Format: Facility code: 8 bits: range: 0..255Label number: 16 bits: range: 1..65535Parity: 2 bits3.3.3.1. Wiegand 26 data definitionThe Wiegand 26-bit format consists of a parity bit, followed by eight facility code bits, followed by 16 labelnumber code bits and a final parity bit. The first parity bit shall create even parity when combined with the nexttwelve bits. The last parity bit shall create odd parity when combined with the remaining 12 bits.The data is represented in bits. (unsigned binary coded)The complete message consists of the following:Bit position : 1 23456789 0123456789012345 6Bit contents : P FFFFFFFF NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN PParity (even) : P FFFFFFFF NN(odd) : NNNNNNNNNNNNNN PLegend : F : Facility code (8 bits: range: 0..255)N : Label number (16 bits: range: 1..65535)P : Even parity over the first 12 bitsOdd parity over the next 12 bitsWDat1Tpw+5VGND+5VGNDWDat0TpiTpi