W415-1066 / A / 03.06.1238At the end of each burning season inspect the firebox door gasket ensuring that it is not worn or loose. re-place with proper fiberglass rope. The purpose of door gasketing is to seal the firebox. if the door is notsealed, air leaks into the firebox, creating a quick burning fire. This situation is not desirable for overnight orextended burns.replace cracked or broken glass immediately. When re-installing the glass, be sure that the glass and gasketcreate a solid seal around door frame. follow the instructions in Section 7.7 for glass replacement.burn only dry, clean unpainted wood that has been seasoned. it produces more heat and less soot or creosote.freshly cut wood contains about 50% moisture while after proper seasoning only about 20% of the water re-mains. As wood is burned, this water boils off consuming energy that should be used in heating. The wetter thewood, the less heat is given off and the more creosote is produced. dry firewood has cracks in the end grain.both hardwood and softwood burn equally well inthis appliance but hardwood, which is denser, willweigh more per cord and burn a little slower andlonger.firewood should be split and stacked in a man-ner that air can get to all parts of it and covered inearly spring to be ready for burning that fall.7.5 SELECTINg wOOdinspect and replace all broken firebricks ad baffles.refer to Section 4.7 for brick and baffle installation.7.6 FIrEBrICkS ANd BAFFLESAll homes with a solid fuel burning appliance should have at least one fire extinguisher in a central location,known to all, and at least one smoke detector in the room containing the appliance. if it sounds an alarm,correct the cause but do not de-activate or relocate the smoke detector.7.3 FIrE EXTINguISHErS ANd SmOkE dETECTOrS7.4 gLASS ANd gASkET rEPLACEmENTBURNINg YOUR AppLIANCE wITH THE FIREBOx DOOR OpEN OR AjAR CREATEs A FIRE HAzARDTHAT MAY REsULT IN A HOUsE AND OR CHIMNEY FIRE.FREqUENTLY ExAMINE ALL DOOR sEALs/gAskETs, REpLACE IF wORN. FAILURE TO sHUT FIRE-BOx DOOR TIgHTLY AND IgNORINg LEAkINg gAskETs CAN REsULT IN ExTREME OvER FIRINgCONDITIONs.THIs AppLIANCE Is DEsIgNED TO BURN NATURAL wOOD ONLY. DO NOT BURN TREATEDwOOD, COAL, CHARCOAL, COLOURED pApER, CARDBOARD, sOLvENTs OR gARBAgE.HIgHER EFFICIENCIEs AND LOwER EMIssIONs gENERALLY REsULT wHEN BURNINg AIR DRIEDsEAsONED HARDwOODs, As COMpARED TO sOFTwOODs OR TOO gREEN OR FREsHLY CUTwOODs.BURNINg wET UNsEAsONED wOOD CAN CAUsE ExCEssIvE CREOsOTE ACCUMULATION. wHENIgNITED IT CAN CAUsE A CHIMNEY FIRE THAT MAY REsULT IN A sERIOUs HOUsE FIRE.