W415-1066 / A / 03.06.1227HGFEEBAD CSIDE WALLSIDE WALLFRONTBACK WALL BACK WALL CEILINGFLOORpARALLEL & CORNER sINgLE wALL CONNECTOR DOUBLE wALL CONNECTORSideWAll (A) 6” (152 mm) 6” (152 mm)SideWAll To flue (b) 18” (457 mm) 17¼” (438 mm)bAckWAll (c) 6” (152 mm) 6” (152 mm)bAckWAll To flue (d) 18” (457 mm) 14” (356 mm)corner (e) 6” (152 mm) 6” (152 mm)ceiling (f) refer to Section 5.3.1fronT (g) 48” (1219 mm) 48” (1219 mm)floor (h) ⅞” (22 mm) ⅞” (22 mm)clearances can be reduced with shielding acceptable to local authorities. reduced installation mustcomply with nfPA 211 or cAn/cSA-b365.5.3 gENErAL PLENum ANd duCTINg - CLEArANCE TO COmBuSTIBLES5.2 mINImum CLEArANCE TO COmBuSTIBLESDO NOT INsTALL INTO ANY AREA HAvINg A CEILINg HEIgHT LEss THAN THE MINIMUM CEILINgHEIgHT REqUIREMENTs LIsTED IN sECTION 5.3.1.(measured from the base of the HMF100)• option A - 7 foot 6 inches (2.29 m) is the minimum ceiling height required when the hmf100 isconfigured with the napoleon hmfk-dP (napoleon diffusion Plenum).• option b - The ceiling height required can be reduced to 6 foot 6 inches (1.98 m) when the hmf100is connected with both supply and return air plenums and a complete ducting system. Seesection 5.3.2 for clearance to combustible requirements for the supply/return plenum andducting system.ALL pLENUM/DUCT sYsTEMs CONNECTED TO THE HMF100 (wITH THE ExCEpTION OF THE NApO-LEON DIFFUsION pLENUM “HMFk-Dp”) MUsT HAvE A RETURN AIR pLENUM AND DUCTINg. RE-TURN AIR MUsT NOT BE TAkEN FROM THE FURNACE ROOM (sEE LOCAL CODEs). As wITH ANYCOMBUsTION AppLIANCE HAvINg A COLD AIR RETURN IN THE sAME ROOM As THE AppLIANCECAN CREATE A NEgATIvE pREssURE AND REsULT wITH THE spILLAgE OF COMBUsTION pROD-UCTs INTO THE LIvINg AREA.5.3.1 mINImum CEILINg HEIgHT rEquIrEmENTS5.3.2 INSTALLATION wITH rETurN/SuPPLy PLENumS ANd COmPLETEduCT SySTEm