Basic operation en15Basic operationBasic operationYou can find out everything you needto know about operating your appli-ance here.Switching on the appliance1. Press .a The appliance begins to cool.2. Switch off the warning signal with.a goes out as soon as the settemperature has been reached.3. Set the required temperature.→ Page 15Operating tips¡ Once you have switched on theappliance, the set temperature isonly reached after several hours.Do not put in any food in the appli-ance until the temperature isreached.¡ The front panels of the housing aretemporarily heated slightly. Thisprevents condensation in the areaof the door seal.¡ When you close the door of thefreezer compartment, a vacuummay be created and you may notbe able to open the freezer dooragain immediately. Wait a momentuntil the vacuum is offset.¡ The refrigeration system maycause several areas of the freezershelves to frost quickly. The frosthas no effect on the function or theenergy consumption of the appli-ance. If frost or ice thicker than5 mm has formed on the entiresurface of the freezer shelf, the ap-pliance must be defrosted.Switching off the appliance▶ Press .a The appliance stops cooling.Setting the temperatureAfter you have switched on the appli-ance, you can set the temperature.Setting the freezer compartmenttemperature▶ Use a coin to set the temperatureat the temperature controller.The higher the number, the lowerthe temperature.The middle setting is recommen-ded by the factory.Additional functionsAdditional functionsFind out which additional functionswhich can be used for your appli-ance.Super freezingSuper freezing cools the freezer com-partment as cold as possible. Thisfreezes food quickly right through tothe centre.Switch off Super freezing four tosix hours before placing food weigh-ing 2 kg or more into the freezercompartment.In order to utilise the freezer capacity,use Super freezing.→ "Prerequisites for freezing capa-city", Page 16Note: When Super freezing isswitched on, increased noise mayoccur.Switching on Super freezing▶ Press .a lights up.