en Installation and connection12¡ Open the appliance door onlybriefly.¡ Transport purchased food in acool bag and place in the appli-ance quickly.¡ Allow warm food and drinks tocool down before placing them inthe appliance.¡ Thaw frozen food in the refriger-ator compartment to utilise the lowtemperature of the food.The air in the appliance does notwarm up so intensely.The appliance must cool less fre-quently.¡ Always leave some spacebetween the food and to the backpanel.¡ Pack the food airtight.The air can circulate and the airhumidity remains constant.¡ Defrost the freezer compartmentregularly.A frost-free freezer compartment ispower-saving and cools the frozenfood optimally.¡ Only open the freezer compart-ment door briefly and then care-fully close it.A closed freezer compartmentdoor protects the freezer compart-ment against severe icing.Installation and connectionInstallation and connec-tionYou can find out where and how bestto install your appliance here. Youwill also learn how to connect yourappliance to the power supply.Scope of deliveryAfter unpacking all parts, check forany transport damage and check thecompleteness of the delivery.If you have any complaints, contactyour dealer or our after-sales service→ Page 23.The delivery consists of the following:¡ Built-under appliance¡ Equipment and accessories1¡ Installation material¡ Installation instructions¡ Operating instructions¡ Customer service booklet¡ Warranty enclosure2¡ Energy label¡ Product data sheet¡ Information on the energy con-sumption and noisesInstalling and connecting theapplianceRequirement: The scope of deliveryof the appliance is checked.→ Page 121. Observe the criteria for the appli-ance's installation location.→ Page 132. Install the appliance in accordancewith the enclosed installation in-structions.3. Prepare the appliance for first use.→ Page 131 Depending on the appliance specifications2 Not in all countries