42enCare and daily cleaningF If the appliance has not been usedfor a prolonged period (for example,while you are on holiday), the exist-ing filter should be rinsed before thefirst time the appliance is used again.To do this, simply dispense a cup ofhot water.Detailed information about the water filtercan be found in the manual supplied withthe filter.Switch off afterTo set how long the appliance should waitafter the last drink was prepared before itautomatically rinses and switches itself off.You can specify values from 15 minutes to8 hours. The factory setting is 30 minutes.IlluminationSetting the illumination of the beverageoutlet. “On”, “When in use” or “Off” can beselected.Brightness illuminationSetting the illumination lightness of thebeverage outlet. “Level 1” to “Level 10” canbe selected.Brightness displaySetting the illumination lightness of display.Key tonesSwitch the signal tones on or off.Clock displayDisplay option for time and date “Off” or“Digital” (on). The settings for this can bechanged in the next menu options.F If the appliance is switched off atthe mains or there is a power failure,the settings for the time will be lost.Time of daySetting for the current time.DateSetting for the current date.Frost protectionService programme to prevent frost damageduring transportation and storage.This programme completely empties theappliance.■ Select “Start” to begin running theprogramme.■ Empty the water tank and reinsert.■ If available remove the milk container andclose the door.The appliance automatically empties all itspipes.■ Empty the drip tray and re-insert.Beverage infoDisplay shows how many drinks have beenprepared since its initial use.■ Select “next” to show the information.Factory settingsResets your own settings to the conditionwhen delivered.■ Select “reset” with the K or L arrowbutton. The message “Are you sure?”appears.■ Select either “reset” to confirm or “cancel”to interrupt.Care and daily cleaningE Risk of electric shock!Never immerse the appliance inwater. Do not steam-clean theappliance.■ Wipe the outside of the appliance with asoft, damp cloth.■ Clean the control panel and display usinga micro-fibre cloth.■ Do not use any cleaning agents contain-ing alcohol or spirits.■ Do not use abrasive cloths or cleaningagents.■ Always remove any limescale, residuesof coffee or milk, cleaning or descalingsolution immediately. It is possible for cor-rosion to form underneath such deposits.