2-14 Introducing the SoftwareMcAfee Anti Virus SoftwareThe McAfee AntiVirus software is installed to scan your system for any vi-rus infections. WebScan and VirusScan are two scanning software tools in-cluded on the NEC Versa 4200. In Windows for Workgroups, a Vshieldicon is shipped minimized as an icon on the desktop to easily determinewhether protection-level software is running or not, as well as provide a vi-rus alert chime message when a virus is resident. WebScan software protects your system against virus infection from filesattached to mail messages or from files you download from the Internet.WebScan is activated any time you download executable and MicrosoftWord document files and scans mail through the Pegasus Mail system.Also included is the SPRY Mosaic browser and the WebScan Webbrowser, which gives access to the Internet. VirusScan, detects, identifies and disinfects known DOS, Windows forWorkgroups, and Windows 95 computer viruses. It checks memory aswell as both the system and data areas of disks for virus infections. Inmost cases, it will eliminate and fully repair infected programs or systemareas to their original condition.Set up the WebScan software on your NEC Versa 4200 computer using theeasy-to-follow setup program.NOTEBefore you can use the WebScan software and connect to theInternet, you must first purchase and install a modem card into yourNEC Versa 4200 computer. Make sure the PC Card is connected toa working phone line. The line must be an analog line. If you are un-sure what type of line you have, call your local telephone company.It is strongly recommended that you install the modem card in yourNEC Versa prior to running the WebScan Setup program. As part ofthe Setup program, it recognizes the modem information. If you runthe Setup program without an installed modem, you will have tomanually enter the modem information the first time you use the on-line service.