37C O L O R S Y S T E MCOLOR SYSTEMRETURN3.58NTSC:SEL.ADJ.EXITMENUSetting the video signal formatUse these operations to set the video signal format (PAL,SECAM, 4.43 NTSC or 3.58 NTSC).Example: Setting the video signal format to “3.58NTSC”Press the MENU button on the remote controller to dis-play the MAIN MENU on the screen, then...1. Use the s and t buttons to select “INFORMATION”,then press the “OK” button.The “INFORMATION” screen appears.2. Use the s and t buttons to select “COLOR SYSTEM”,then press the “OK” button.4. To select “3.58 NTSC” ...Use the ß and © buttons to select “3.58 NTSC”.The mode switches as follows when the ß and © but-tons are pressed:→ AUTO ↔ PAL ↔ SECAM ←→ 3.58NTSC ↔ 4.43NTSC ←−−5. Once the setting is completed ...Press the “MENU” button.The color system is set to “3.58 NTSC”, and the menudisappears.Informationm Video signal formatsDifferent countries use different formats for video sig-nals. Set to the format used in your current country.AUTO ............ The video signals are automatically de-tected and the format is set accordingly.PAL ................ This is the standard format used mainlyin the United Kingdom and Germany.SECAM .........This is the standard format used mainlyin France and Russia.4.43 NTSC .... This format is used for videos in coun-tries using PAL and SECAM video sig-nals.3.58 NTSC .... This is the standard format used mainlyin Japan and the United States.I N F O R M A T I O NFREQUENCYCOMMUNICATIONLANGUAGECOLOR SYSTEMRETURN SEL.OKEXITO KMENUThe “COLOR SYSTEM” screen appears.3. Use the s and t buttons to select “COLOR SYSTEM”.C O L O R S Y S T E MCOLOR SYSTEMRETURNAUTO:SEL.ADJ.EXITMENU