Getting Started 2-11ML440 End User Guide - Revision 1Table 2-6 Contacts and Soft KeysSoft Key OperationDial the phone number showing on the display. (Press Right toscroll through each phone number saved for this contact.)Edit Edit the selected contact’s information.See more options for the contact list.To see options for the contact list, press More . These options aredescribed in Table 2-7.Table 2-7 Contact List More OptionsAdd contactAdd a contact to the list. You can enter the following information:• Name• Up to four phone numbers (Work, Mobile, Home, and Other); youmust enter at least one phone number.• RingtoneIf the contact list is empty, this is the only available option.Edit before call Edit the selected contact’s phone number before you dial it. This willnot edit the number in the contact’s list.Edit contact Edit the selected contact’s information.Delete contact Delete the selected contact.Delete all contacts Erase the entire contact list.Speed dial Assign the selected contact to a speed dial number.Central Directory Screen (Global Contacts)The main Central Directory screen shows the list of contacts storedglobally on the system. When you highlight a contact in the directory,press to dial that contact.Calls ScreenThe main Calls screen shows the last 50 calls (whether incoming oroutgoing) on this handset. When you highlight a call on the list, you canuse one of the soft keys listed in Table 2-8.