90• TO ENABLE/DISABLE OFF-HOOKRINGINGThe procedure below shows how to enable/disable theoff-hook ringing.STEP 1: While indicating the current time on LCD,press key to open the Menu screen.Then, select Settings.Select an item by either of the following operations.• Highlight an item by using , and then press ,or OK soft key.• Press key.STEP 2: Select Off Hook Ring.Select an item by either of the following operations.• Highlight an item by using , and then press ,or OK soft key.• Press key.STEP 3: To disable/enable the off-hook ringing, selectDisable or Enable.Select an item by either of the following operations.• Highlight an item by using , and then pressor OK soft key.• Press or key, and then press or OK softkey.Menu3312[Menu]3OKBackDirectoryCall HistorySettings2212[Settings]3OKBackBack Light45HeadsetPeripheralsRing VolumeOff Hook RingNote: Default setting is 2 Enable.Note: The enabled item is highlighted.1 21 2Back OK[Offhook Ring]Disable12 Enable