185TO EDIT DIRECTORY DATASTEP 1: Display the Name List screen for a targetparty (see TO FIND A REGISTERED DATA).STEP 2: Select a target name and display SubMenu.Select a target name by pressing , and pressHELP or Option.STEP 3: Select Edit.Select an item by one of the following operations.• Touch panel operation.• Highlight an item by using , and press ,or OK.• Press , and press , or OK.STEP 4: On the Edit screen, the detailed data for theselected name is displayed. Modify the nec-essary data by referring to TO ADD NEW DA-TA.After the data modification is complete, pressSave on the Edit screen.TIP Use Menu button instead of HELP button for the firm-ware version before[Directory] 1/1MAbe SabroAbe JiroAbe TaroAbe IchiroAbe KentaroOKBackOptionDetail[Directory] 1/1MAbe SabroAbe JiroAbe TaroAbe IchiroAbe Kentaro441211:00Ken KobusTel: 720510:00Abe ShintaroTel: 7207123 Delete All4Delete OneSubMenu 1/1Cancel OK↓Prefix↓Edit