178• Touch panel operation.• Highlight an item by using , and press orOK.• Press , and press or OK.STEP 6: Select a target name by pressing .In the following Directory (Name List) screen,you can make a call to the selected party bypressing or Call.If two or more telephone numbers are assigned toan entry, a top priority telephone number will bedialed.STEP 7: To display the detailed data for a specificname, press Detail while the name is high-lighted.In the following Detail screen, you can make a callto the selected number by pressing or Call.TIP Select Others to find names which begin with a charac-ter other than alphabet such as numerics or symbols.00123OKBack↓45671/2PQRSJKLMNDDEFGHITUVWXYZABC[Alphabet]TIP If there is no entry corresponding to the group of alpha-bets, "No data" is issued on the screen.Note If two or more telephone numbers are assigned to anentry, a top priority telephone number is automaticallyselected when the Detail screen appears.OKBackOptionDetail[Directory] 1/1MAbe SabroAbe JiroAbe TaroAbe IchiroAbe Kentaro