L NAPCO Security Systems X GEM-X255 Installation InstructionsWI1093A 12/01 !Page 21BASIC OPERATIONThis section provides a brief overview of system operation. For detailed operation, refer to the User's Guide furnishedwith the keypad (OI193 for the GEM-RP1CAe2 and to the Keypad Programming Modes at the end of this manual.USER CODES & ZONE DESCRIPTIONS(Refer to the GEM-X255 Programming Instructions (W1092) for a detailed explanation of programming.) Up to 195personal user codes may be programmed at the keypad. NOTE: The Authority Level and Access Byte associated witheach User Code may only be programmed in the Dealer Program Mode.Default User CodeThe first code programmed should replace the default (Level-3) code, ìU01 123 ï ï ï - ï ï - ï ï î, (1,2,3), which shouldnot be selected as a user code. Enter up to six digits (a minimum of four digits is recommended). The related OptionCode and Authority Level are programmable in the Dealer Program Mode only.Each user should be assigned his own dissimilar code and should be cautioned against divulging his code to anyoneelse. Thus should it become necessary to remove a user from the system, that one code may be canceled withoutaffecting other codes, and that user would then be prevented from entry. NOTE: NAPCO's PCD-Windows QuickloaderSoftware provides enabling and disabling User Codes at programmed times using the scheduling menus.Changing or Canceling a CodeTo change any code, merely program over the existing code as described in the Programming Instructions. Similarly, tocancel a code, blank out each number of the code.Arm/Disarm Code (Programmable in Dealer Program Mode only)An Arm/Disarm Code may be used to arm/disarm the area in which it is programmed. Up to 6 digits may be programmedor it may be programmed as a two-digit code for the purposes of quick arming.Arm-Only Code (Programmable in Dealer Program Mode only)An Arm-Only Code may only be used to arm the area in which it is programmed; it never has any disarm capability. Up to6 digits may be programmed or it may be programmed as a two-digit code for the purposes of quick arming.Service Code (Programmable in Dealer Program Mode only)A Service Code is an Arm/Disarm Code that is easily activated when needed, and dormant at other times. Intendedfor the occasional or temporary user (maid, repairman, etc.) who would otherwise be denied access to the premises, it isprogrammed in conjunction with the Authority Level when programming User Codes. Refer to Programming Instructions.It is activated by arming with it; an ìSî will appear in the display after the exit-delay countdown, indicating that aService Code has been activated. It may then be used to arm and disarm just as any other User Code. Service code canbe armed/disarmed from a disarmed state, but it cannot be armed/disarmed from an armed state, after another user codehas been entered.Panel Access CodeThe Panel Access Code will trip the panel's Auxiliary Relay while disarmed if Access Control on Auxiliary Relay isprogrammed. The Panel Access Code is programmed as any other User Code but without an accompanying PriorityLevel. Caution: Do not use the same code as any Arm/Disarm Code. Note: These systems have not been investigatedby UL for compliance with UL294 (Access Control Systems).Program Keypad Time and Date in User Program Mode (GEM-RP1CAe2 firmware version 6 or greater required)When using an GEM-RP1CAe2, the Time and Date may be set in the User Program Mode.Keypad Access Code (Programmable in Dealer Program Mode only)Any User Code may have Keypad Access through a door with a striker by programming the keypadís Access Byte.Program the Keypad Access Lug for the applicable keypads 1 through 8. If the Access Byte is programmed, that UserCode will function only an Access Code and not as an Arm/Disarm Code. Entering the code will cause a 5-secondactive-low output on the PGM line with a pulsing sounder at the keypad and ì**ENTER NOW**î (or other customizedBASIC OPERATIONRCOMPUTERIZED SECURITY SYSTEMGEMINIARMEDSTATUSSYSTEM ARMED01/01/97 12:00AM1 2435 67 8 9 0ABCD EFGNEXT/YESPRIOR/NOAREA