12Setup4.3.2 FM InputParameter OptionsEnabled: Yes / NoName: User definableInput Trim: ±10dBSeek Lock: Low / Medium /High. Sets the FM signal strength requiredfor the UnitiLite tuner to identify an FMstation.4.3.3 DAB InputParameter OptionsEnabled: Yes / NoName: User definableInput Trim: ±10dBRe-scan Stations: Re-scans for DABstations.Note: The UnitiLite DAB input is not implemented in unitsdistributed in territories where Digital Audio Broadcasting isunavailable.4.3.4 iRadio InputParameter OptionsEnabled: Yes / NoName: User definableInput Trim: ±10dBAuto Disconnect: Select time.Auto-disconnect is provided so thatinternet data usage limits are notinadvertently exceeded by a UnitiLite leftconnected to internet radio.Browse History: Yes / No. If Yes is specified UnitiLitewill display the last used station if it isavailable when list mode is selected. IfNo is specified UnitiLite will display the topstation selection menu.4.3.5 UPnP™ (Network) InputParameter OptionsEnabled: Yes / NoName: User definableInput Trim: ±10dBServer History: Yes / No. If Yesis specified UnitiLite will remember thelast used folder if the UPnP™ server is stillavailable. If No is specified UnitiLite willdisplay the full list of available servers.4.3.6 USB/iPod InputParameter OptionsEnabled: Yes / NoName: User definableInput Trim: ±10dBFolder History: Yes / No. If Yesis specified UnitiLite will automaticallydisplay the last used folder on the USBdevice. If No is specified the top levelfolder of the device will be displayed.iPod Charging: Always / Never. iPod (and/or iPhone)battery charging always takes placewhen the iPod is connected or nevertakes place.Note: The non-charging option is provided because thereis a small reduction in iPod or iPhone sound quality whensimultaneously charging and playing. This means howeverthat an iPod or iPhone can potentially run out of powerwhile playing.4.3.7 Front Panel InputParameter OptionsEnabled: Yes / NoName: User definableInput Trim: ±10dBFormat: Auto / Analogue/ Digital. If Auto is specified the frontpanel input will automatically detect theaudio signal format (analogue or digital)and configure the input appropriately.Specifying Analogue or Digital will fix thefront panel input format.4.3.8 Other InputsParameter OptionsEnabled: Yes / NoName: User definableInput Trim: ±10dBAV Fixed Volume: Yes / NoIf No is selected the input will behavenormally. If Yes is selected the inputwill operate at a fixed volume and theUnitiLite volume control will be disabled.This enables UnitiLite to be used in multi-channel AV systems with volume controlhandled by the AV processor. Take carewhen selecting AV Fixed Volume.Note: AV fixed volume is only available on RCA phonoanalogue inputs.4.4 The Speakers MenuThe Speakers setup menuenables a variety of speakerparameters to be adjusted.The options are tabulatedand described in the followingsections:Parameter OptionsAmp Used: Internal Only / External / All OutputsMax. Volume: 0 to 100 (adjust using handset 6 or 5keys)Balance: -10 to + 10 (adjust using handset 6 or 5keys)The Amp Used options specify use of the UnitiLite internalpower amplifier and enable or disable the preamplifieroutput.DAB 4/4Enabled: YesName: DABInput Trim: 04Re-Scan StationsiRadio 4/5Enabled: YesName: iRadioInput Trim: 04Auto Disconnect: NeverUPnP 3/4Enabled: YesName: UPnP4Input Trim: 0Server History YesUSB/iPod 4/5Enabled: YesName: USBInput Trim: 04Folder History: NoFront 4/4Enabled: YesName: FrontInput Trim: 04Format: AutoAnalogue 1 1/44Enabled: YesName: Analogue 1Input Trim: 0AV Fixed Volume NoFM 4/4Enabled: YesName: FMInput Trim: 04Seek Lock: MediumSpeakers 1/34Amp Used: Internal OnlyMax. Volume: 100Balance: 0