INTRODUCTIONGETTING STARTEDWHAT’S IN THE BOXPacked with your T 187 you will findt An AM loop antennat A FM ribbon-wire antenna with balunt A detachable mains power cordt Audyssey microphonet The HTR 8 remote control with 4 AA batteriest ZR 7 zone remote control with 3V CR2025 batteryt Owner’s manual in CD-ROMSAVE THE PACKAGINGPlease save the box and all of the packaging in which your T 187 arrived.Should you move or otherwise need to transport your T 187, this is by farthe safest container in which to do so. We’ve seen too many otherwiseperfect components damaged in transit for lack of a proper shippingcarton, so please: Save that box!CHOOSING A LOCATIONChoose a location that is well ventilated (with at least several inches to bothsides and behind), and that will provide a clear line of sight, within 25 feet/8meters, between the T 187’s front panel and your primary listening/viewingposition—this will ensure reliable infrared remote control communications.The T 187 generates a modest amount of heat, but nothing that shouldtrouble adjacent components.It is perfectly possible to stack the T 187 on top of other components, butthe reverse usually should be avoided.DEFAULT SOURCE SETTINGSThe following table lists the default SOURCE settings. Note that the Audioinput settings show both digital and analog audio input. Digital input willalways take precedence over analog audio input even if both are present.Source Audio Input Video InputSource 1 HDMI 1/ Audio 1 HDMI 1Source 2 HDMI 2/ Audio 2 HDMI 2Source 3 Coaxial 1/Audio 3 Component 1Source 4 Optical 1/Audio 4 Video 1iPod Audio 5 S-Video 3Source 7 7.1 Input Component 2Front Input HDMI Front/ Audio Front HDMI FrontMedia Player Audio MPTunerTo modify the above default settings and for a better understanding ofsource setting and combinations, please refer to the item about “SOURCESETUP” in the “USING THE T 187 - SETUP MENU” segment of the “OPERATION”section.NOTEDigital input will always take precedence over analog audio input evenif both are present.5ENGLISHFRANÇAISESPAÑOLITALIANODEUTSCHNEDERLANDSSVENSKAРУССКИЙ