26ENGLISH FRANÇAIS DEUTSCH NEDERLANDS ESPAÑOL ITALIANO PORTUGUÊS SVENSKAThe player can always be operated under the same conditions (especially with DVD discs), once the initialsettings have been completed. The settings will be retained in the memory until they are changed, evenif the power is switched off.1 Press SETUP in the stop or playback mode. The ‘Language’, ‘Video’, ‘Audio’,’Parental Control’, and‘System’ menus are displayed.2 Press the navigation keys to select the desired setting and press ENTER. Some items require additionalsteps. When the ENTER or SETUP key is pressed the screen returns to the Initial Settings display.3 To exit SETUP menu press ENTER, SETUP, PLAY, or OPEN/CLOSE buttons.SELECTING LANGUAGESTo select language for DVD audio, DVD menus and OSDs on the TV. Do the following.1 From the M55 remote control, press SETUP to select the Settings menu. A drop-down menu for ‘OSD’,‘Disc Audio’, ‘Disc Subtitle’, ‘Disc Menu’, and ‘Disc Text’ will display.2 Use the navigation keys to select the desired Language and then press the ENTER button on the M55INITIAL SETUP SETTINGSSetupremote to store the selection.NOTEThe Disc Audio, Disc Subtitle, Disc Menu, and Disc Text OSD are media specific. Not all media supportthe various language options. Refer to the specific media documentation for available features. Referto the section ‘REFERENCE’, ‘Table of Languages and Their Abbreviations’ for available languages andtheir codes.Disc AudioDisc SubtitleDisc MenuOSDDisc TextEnglishFrenchGermanItalianSpanishDutchPortugueseSwedishDisc AudioDisc SubtitleDisc MenuOSDDisc TextOriginalEnglishFrenchGermanItalianSpanishSwedishPortugueseOtherDisc AudioDisc SubtitleDisc MenuOSDDisc TextOriginalEnglishFrenchGermanItalianSpanishSwedishPortugueseOtherDisc AudioDisc SubtitleDisc MenuOSDDisc TextOriginalEnglishFrenchGermanItalianSpanishSwedishPortugueseOtherOFFDisc AudioDisc SubtitleDisc MenuOSDDisc TextOriginalEnglishFrenchGermanItalianSpanishSwedishPortugueseOtherLanguageVideoAudioParental ControlSystem