(Revised 8/3/2009) Page 70 of 138N-Ring – ConfigurationThe Configuration tab under the N-Ring category will display the N-Ring basic configuration settings. Bydefault, N-Ring is in Auto Member mode and the N-Ring Aging Time is 20 seconds.Following the Modify button on the above example, the administrator will see a list of configurable fieldsfor the N-Ring configuration, as below.The N-Ring Aging Time has a default of 20 seconds and is separate from the Bridging Aging Time. N-RingAging Time is used when the switch is an N-Ring Manager or becomes an active N-Ring Member, and ineither case N-Ring status includes for example:“Switch is currently using N-Ring Aging Time = 20 Seconds”Once these fields are filled in to meet the needs of the administrator’s network, the changes may be saved byclicking the Update button at the bottom of the page.NOTES:1. N-Ring Manager cannot have RSTP or Trunking enabled.2. RSTP & N-Ring are different modes and cannot share links or segments along those lines.See the examples in the RSTP configuration section.3. Do not use Trunking on an N-Ring manager. Do not connect the N-Ring to actively Trunkingports on an Auto Member.4. Do not create redundant links unless either RSTP or N-Ring is enabled.5. Any one 7018 can only participate in one N-Ring.6. N-Ring copper ports must be run at 100Mb full duplex, including the default ‘autonegotiate’ aslong as all switches in the ring support 100Mb full duplex.