19100:1+Gasoline 40:1 50:11000 cm 3 (1 litre) 25 cm 3 20 cm 3 10 cm 35000 cm 3 (5 litres) 125 cm 3 100 cm 3 50 cm 310000 cm 3 (10 litres) 250 cm 3 200 cm 3 100 cm 3OILFuelCAUTION:This saw is powered by mineral-oil products (gasoline andoil).Be especially careful when handling gasoline .Avoid all fl ame or fi re. Do not smoke (explosion hazard).Fuel mixtureThe engine of the chain saw is a high-efficiency two-strokeengine. It runs on a mixture of gasoline and two-stroke engineoil. The engine is designed for unleaded regular gasoline witha min. octane value of 91 ROZ. In case no such fuel is avail-able, you can use fuel with a higher octane value. This will notaffect the engine.In order to obtain an optimum engine output and to protectyour health and the environment use unleaded fuel only.For lubricating the engine use a two-stroke engine oil (qualitygrade: JASO FC or ISO EGD), which is added to the fuel. Theengine has been designed for use of MAKITA HP 100 high-performance two-stroke engine oil and a mixture ratio of only100:1 to protect the environment. In addition, a long servicelife and reliable operation with a minimum emission of exhaustgases are ensured.MAKITA HP 100 high performance two-stroke oil is availablein two sizes:0,5 l order number 980 008 609MAKITA high-performance two-stroke engine oil is available inthe following sizes to suit your individual requirements:1 l order number 980 008 607100 ml order number 980 008 606In case MAKITA high-performance two-stroke engine oil is notavailable, it is urgently recommended to use a mixture ratio of40:1 with other two-stroke engine oils, as otherwise optimumoperation of the engine cannot be guaranteed.Caution: Do not use ready-mixed fuel from petrolstations.The correct mixture ratio:50:1 when using MAKITA high-performance two-stroke engineoil, i. e. mix 50 parts gasoline with 1 part oil.100:1 when using MAKITA HP 100 high-performance two-strokeengine oil, i. e. mix 100 parts gasoline with 1 part oil.40:1 when using other two-stroke engine oils, i. e. mix 40parts gasoline with 1 part oil.NOTE:For preparing the fuel-oil mixture first mix the entire oil quan-tity with half of the fuel required, then add the remaining fuel.Thoroughly shake the mixture before filling it into the chainsaw tank.Chain oilUse an oil with adhesive additive for lubricating the chain andguide bar. The adhesive additive prevents the oil from beingflung off the chain too quickly.We recommend the use of chain oil which is bio-degradable inorder to protect the environment. The use of bio-degradable oilmay even be required by local regulations.The chain oil BIOTOP sold by MAKITA is made of specialvegetable oils and is 100% bio-degradable. BIOTOP has beengranted the Ñblue angelì (Blauer Umweltschutz-Engel) for beingparticularly environment-friendly (RAL UZ 48).BIOTOP chain oil is available in the following sizes:1 l order number 980 008 6105 l order number 980 008 611Bio-degradable oil is stable only for a limited period oftime. It should be used within 2 years from the date ofmanufacture (printed on the container).It is not wise to add more engine oil than specifiedto ensure safe operation. This will only result in ahigher production of combus-tion residues whichwill pollute the environment and clog the exhaustchannel in the cylinder as well as the muffler. Inaddition, fuel consumption will rise and perform-ance will decrease.The Storage of FuelFuels have a limited storage life. Fuel and fuel mixturesage through evaporation, especially at high tempera-tures. Aged fuel and fuel mixtures can cause startingproblems and damage the engine.Purchase only thatamount of fuel, which will be consumed over the nextfew months. At high temperatures, once fuel has beenmixed it should be used up in 6-8 weeks.Store fuel only in proper containers, in dry, cool,secure locations!AVOID SKIN AND EYE CONTACTMineral oil products degrease your skin. If your skincomes in contact with these substances repeatedlyand for an extended period of time, it will desiccate.Various skin deseases may result. In addition, allergicreactions are known to occur.Eyes can be irritated by contact with oil. If oil comes intoyour eyes, immediately wash them with clear water.If your eyes are still irritated, see a doctor immedi-ately!