56Symptom Cause Possible solutionError message” Loading error,please check battery“ appearswhen charging the battery.The battery is faulty or not suitable for thecamera.Replace battery as per specifications inthe Technical Specifications.The buttons of the camera do notfunction. The battery level is too low. Charge battery again.Date and time is incorrect. The date and time are not set correctly. Set the correct date and time.No images can bedownloaded.Possibly insufficient space on the hard disk ofthe computer.Ensure that there is enough space onthe used driveThe battery level is too low. Charge battery again.Serviceadress:Sertronics LTDMAGINON® Service45 Regal Drive, Walsall Enterprise ParkWalsall, WS2 9HQUnited KingdomTel.: 00800 - 78 77 23 6815. System information, servicing and disposalTrademark information Microsoft® and Windows® are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation registered in the US. Pentium® is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer Inc. SD™ s a trademark. MediaImpression is a trademark..Other names and products can be trademarks or registered trademarks of therespective owners.Manufacturer’s address:supraFoto-Elektronik-Vertriebs-GmbHDenisstr. 28a67663 KaiserslauternGermany