31Sequencing SpeedsWhen first energized, the sequencing program willautomatically go to the default speed, or “S1”. Tochange the sequencing speed, push the SPEED buttononce. The LCD will momentarily display the selectedspeed (S1, S2, or S3), and then alternately display thecurrent program and the sequencing speed.PausingTo pause the sequencing action of the systemat any point, simply press the PAUSE button. Thiswill suspend the operation of the valves and hold themeither until the sequence is resumed or until the systemis de-energized. The LCD display will alternatebetween “PA” and the current program number. Pressthe PAUSE button again to resume normal operation.Entertainment System (Optional)Certain models are equipped with an audio systemdesigned to provide the ultimate spa entertainmentexperience. Power to the entertainment system issupplied at spa startup so it is always ready for yourenjoyment.Refer to the stereo Owner’s Manual included inthe MAAX Collection Owner’s packette forinstruction on programming and using theentertainment system. Read all instructions carefullybefore using the entertainment system and SAVE THEINSTRUCTIONS.The system includes both a wired and a wirelessremote. To operate the wired remote, simply press thedesired function on the key pad. To operate thewireless remote, point it at the side skirt panel of thespa where the stereo is located, or at the IR receiver onthe front inside lip of the spa. Refer to the stereoOwner’s Manual for further instructions on how to usethe remotes.Note: The wireless remote control is waterresistant, not waterproof. Care should be taken whenusing from within the spa. Do not submerge thewireless remote control.CAUTION: Risk of electrical shock. Do notleave stereo compartment door open.CAUTION:Risk of electrical shock. Replacecomponents only with identical components.CAUTION: Risk of electrical shock. Do not operatethe audio/video controls while in the spa.CAUTION: Risk of electrical shock. When thepower supply connections or power supply cord(s) aredamaged; if water is entering the audio/videocompartment or electrical equipment compartmentarea; if the protective shields or barriers are showingsigns of deterioration; or if there are signs of otherpotential damage to the unit, turn off the unit and referservicing to a qualified service technician.WARNING: Prevent Electrocution. Donot connect any auxiliary components (for examplecable, additional speakers, headphones, additionalaudio/video components, etc.) to the system.WARNING: Prevent Electrocution. Theseunits are not provided with an outdoor antenna. Whenprovided it should be installed in accordance withArticle 810 of the National Electric Code,ANSI/NFPA 70.WARNING: Prevent Electrocution. Donot service this product yourself as opening orremoving covers may expose you to dangerous voltageor other risk of injury. Refer all servicing to qualifiedpersonnel.WARNING: Prevent Electrocution. This unit shouldbe subjected to periodic routine maintenance (forexample once every 3 months) to make sure the unit isoperating properly.