MM-010539-001, Rev. P6G33• Locate the Client away from any sources of interference that could degrade the performance of theequipment.• Ensure the base station and clients are within each other’s maximum RF coverage range.• Maximum standard CAT-5 cable length connecting the Client to the Ethernet LAN is 100 meters andmaximum antenna cable length is 5-feet.6.2 POLE-MOUNT INSTALLATIONSThe VIDA Broadband Client is designed to accommodate pole mounting. Pole mounting a Client mayinclude mounting the unit onto a horizontally suspended light post or side arm, or a vertical telephonepole, mast pipe or tower leg. The basic example of each mounting method is depicted in Figure 6-1.An optional kit containing two mounting brackets and hardware for attaching the Client to a pole may bepurchased. The optional mounting brackets accommodate pole diameters from one (1) to six (6) inches.The installer must provide straps necessary to secure the Client brackets to the pole.CAUTIONWhen mounting the Client on a pole, the installer must ensure the mounting bandsare secure and resistance movement or rotation.Figure 6-1: Mounting the VIDA Broadband Client6.3 ELECTRICAL POWERThe Hardened Client requires a DC input power source while the Standard Client is capable of either ACor DC power input configurations (see Table 7-1 and Table 2-1). The input voltage source can be from11 to 30 volts DC or 16 to 26 VAC. Careful consideration should be given regarding the voltage dropacross the selected power cabling to maintain the input power requirements. If a backup power source isHorizontal Pole MountedConfigurationVertical Pole MountedConfigurationHeat Sink FinsAlways Upright