Using Share VolumesWhen you create a Share, you can use an existing volume or create a new one for that Share. After thatShare is created, you cannot move it to a different volume. You can modify the volume by changing itssize.1. To set the volume for a Share as you are creating it, click Change volume allocation in theInformation section.2. Choose whether to use an existing volume or to create a new one. For more information on existingvolumes, refer to Adding and Managing Volumes.3. Select an existing Storage Pool in which to place the volume.4. If you are selecting from more than one existing volume, select a volume from the Volume drop-down menu.5. If you are creating a new volume, enter a name for the volume in the Volume text box.6. Enter a size for the volume. You cannot reduce this size later.7. Click OK.8. In the Information section, click Apply to save your changes.Modifying a Share Volume1. Click Change volume allocation in the Information section.2. Enter a new size for the volume.3. Click OK.4. In the Information section, click Apply to save your changes.Deleting SharesTo delete a Share:1. Click the Shares icon to open the feature management page.2. To delete an existing Share, click to expand the Share.3. In the Information section, click Delete to delete the Share.4. In the Delete Share confirmation pop-up window, click Yes.5. If you do not wish to delete the Share, click Cancel to return to the Shares page.Do not delete the Application Data share if it appears on your px2-300d network device. It isrequired by applications that store data on the px2-300d.Sharing FilesShares 55