You can use the config application and commands to view the current system configuration settings andmake changes to Lenovo XClarity Controller and UEFI. The saved configuration information can be usedto replicate or restore other systems.For information about configuring the server using Lenovo XClarity Essentials OneCLI, see:• Lenovo XClarity AdministratorYou can quickly provision and pre-provision all of your servers using a consistent configuration.Configuration settings (such as local storage, I/O adapters, boot settings, firmware, ports, and LenovoXClarity Controller and UEFI settings) are saved as a server pattern that can be applied to one or moremanaged servers. When the server patterns are updated, the changes are automatically deployed to theapplied servers.Specific details about updating firmware using Lenovo XClarity Administrator are available at:• Lenovo XClarity ControllerYou can configure the management processor for the server through the Lenovo XClarity Controller Webinterface or through the command-line interface.For information about configuring the server using Lenovo XClarity Controller, see:“Configuring the Server” section in the XCC documentation compatible with your server at module configurationMemory performance depends on several variables, such as memory mode, memory speed, memory ranks,memory population and processor.Information about optimizing memory performance and configuring memory is available at the Lenovo Presswebsite: addition, you can take advantage of a memory configurator, which is available at the following site: Software Guard Extensions (SGX)Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) operates under the assumption that the security perimeterincludes only the internals of the CPU package, and leaves the DRAM untrusted.Make sure to refer to “Memory module installation rules and order” section in the User Guide of the high-density server, which specifies whether your sever supports SGX and lists the memory module populationsequence for SGX configuration.Complete the following steps to enable SGX.Step 1. Restart the system. Before the operating system starts up, press the key specified in the on-screeninstructions to enter the Setup Utility. (For more information, see the “Startup” section in the LXPMdocumentation compatible with your server at 5. System configuration 31