Strategy for replacing FRUs for CTO, CMV, and GAVProduct definitionDynamic Configure To Order (CTO)This provides the ability for a customer to configure a Lenovo solution from an eSite, and have thisconfiguration sent to fulfillment, where it is built and shipped directly to the customer. The machine label andeSupport will load these products as the 4-digit MT and 3-digit model, where model = “CTO” (Example:1829-CTO).Custom Model Variant (CMV)This is a unique configuration that has been negotiated between Lenovo and the customer. A unique 4-digitMT and 3-digit model is provided to the customer to place orders (Example: 1829-W15). A CMV is a specialbid offering. Therefore, it is NOT generally announced.• The MTM portion of the machine label is the 4-digit MT and 3-digit model, where model = “CTO”(Example: 1829-CTO). The PRODUCT ID portion of the machine label is the 4-digit MT and 3-digit CMVmodel (Example: 1829-W15).• eSupport will show both the CTO and CMV machine type models (Example: 1829-CTO and 1829-W15will be found on the eSupport site.)General Announce Variant (GAV)This is a standard model (fixed configuration). GAVs are announced and offered to all customers. The MTMportion of the machine label is a 4-digit MT and 3-digit model, where model = a “fixed part number”, not“CTO” (Example: 1829-F1U). Also, eSupport will list these products under the same fixed model number.FRU identification for CTO, CMV, and GAV productsUse Lenovo eSupport to identify major FRUs, FRU part numbers, and FRU descriptions for CTO, CMV, andGAV products at an MT - serial number level. Examples of major FRUs are hard disk drive, system board,liquid crystal display (LCD), and memory module. All CTO and CMV products are loaded under the 4-digitMT and 3-digit model, where model = “CTO” (example: 1829-CTO). GAVs are loaded under the 4-digit MTand 3-digit model, where model = a “fixed part number”, not “CTO” (example: 1829-F1U).To identify the major FRUs for a product, do the following:1. Go to: Click Warranty & Services.3. Click Check Warranty Status.4. On the Warranty Status Lookup page, click Parts Lookup.5. Type your machine type and serial number, and then click Submit.eSupport also can be used to view the general FRU list for a product.To get the general FRU list for a product, do the following:1. Go to: Click Parts & Accessories.3. Follow the instructions on the screen to select product.20 Hardware Maintenance Manual