4. Open the DRIVERS folder. Within the DRIVERS folder are several subfoldersthat are named for various devices installed in your computer (for example,AUDIO or VIDEO).5. Open the appropriate device subfolder.6. Use one of the following methods to reinstall the device driver:v In the device subfolder, look for a README.txt or other file with the .txtextension. This file might be named after the operating system, such asWIN98.txt. The TXT file has information on how to reinstall that devicedriver.v If the device subfolder contains a file with an .INF extension, you can use theAdd New Hardware program (located in the Windows Control Panel) toreinstall the device driver. Not all device drivers can be reinstalled using thisprogram. In the Add New Hardware program, when prompted for thedevice driver that you want to install, click Have Disk and Browse. Thenselect the appropriate device driver file from the device subfolder.v In the device subfolder, look for a SETUP.EXE file. Double-click SETUP.EXEand follow the instructions on the screen.Setting a rescue device in the startup sequenceBefore you start the Rescue and Recovery program from a CD, DVD, USB harddisk drive, or any external device, you must first change the startup sequence inthe Setup Utility.To view or change the startup sequence, do the following:1. With the computer turned off, repeatedly press and release the F1 key whileyou turn on the computer.2. When the logo screen appears, or you hear a series of beeps, release the F1 key.3. If you are prompted for a password, type your current password.4. From the Setup Utility main menu, use the right-arrow key to select Startup.5. Arrange the startup sequence to meet your needs.6. Press the Esc key twice to go to the Setup Utility exit menu.7. Use the down-arrow key to select Save and exit the Setup Utility, then pressEnter.8. When the Setup Confirmation window appears, press Enter.9. The computer restarts.Note: If you are using an external device, you first must turn off your computerbefore connecting the external device.For more information on Setup Utility, see Chapter 4, “Using the Setup Utility,” onpage 47.Solving recovery problemsIf you are unable to access the Rescue and Recovery workspace or the Windowsenvironment, you can:v Use your rescue media (CD, DVD, or USB hard disk drive) to start the Rescueand Recovery workspace. See “Creating and using rescue media” on page 43 fordetails.Chapter 3. Recovery information 45