Detailed Installation 2-5turned on to the devices, the computer might not recognize thedevices.For the United Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI), no BIOSmessage displays. Press F1 to enter System Setup. Refer toyour system user’s guide for specific configuration information.Under other interfaces or operating systems, a BIOS messageappears during boot. The firmware takes several seconds toinitialize. The configuration utility prompt times out after severalseconds. The second portion of the BIOS message displays thecontroller number, firmware version, and cache SDRAM size.The numbering of the controller follows the PCI slot scanningorder used by the host mainboard.Step 8. Run the WebBIOS Configuration UtilityRun the WebBIOS Configuration Utility to configure the physicalarrays and the logical drives. When the message Press for WebBIOS appears on the screen, pressCTRL+H immediately to run the utility.Step 9. Install the Operating System DriverThe controller can operate under various operating systems. Tooperate under these operating systems, you must install thesoftware drivers. You can find and download the latest driversat For updates, click Downloadsand drivers.Device driver updates are made available periodically. Toensure that you have the current version of the driver, downloadthe latest driver at See thereadme file that accompanies the driver for any updatedinformation.For details on installing the driver, refer to the ServeRAID-MDevice Driver Installation User’s Guide on the ServeRAID MDocumentation CD. Be sure to use the latest Service Packsprovided by the operating system manufacturer and to reviewthe readme file that accompanies the driver.