ServeRAID M1115 SAS/SATA Controller User’s Guide iiiPrefaceThis book contains installation instructions and specifications for theServeRAID-M1115 SAS/SATA Controller.For details on how to configure the storage controller, refer to theServeRAID-M Software User’s Guide. For information about theoperating system drivers, refer to the ServeRAID-M Device DriverInstallation User’s Guide.OrganizationThis document has the following chapters and appendices:• Chapter 1, Overview, provides a general overview of the ServeRAIDM1115 SAS/SATA controller.• Chapter 2, ServeRAID Controller Hardware Installation, describesthe procedures for installing the ServeRAID M1115 SAS/SATAcontroller.• Chapter 3, ServeRAID M1115 SAS/SATA ControllerCharacteristics, provides the characteristics and technicalspecifications for the ServeRAID M1115 SAS/SATA controller.• Appendix A, Getting Help and Technical Assistance, containsinformation about help and technical assistance your ServeRAIDproducts.• Appendix B, Notices, contains information about trademarks,warramties, documentation format, and electronic emission notices.• Appendix C, Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations, lists andexplains the terms and abbreviations used in this manual.