Installing the Lenovo USB Monitor USB Graphics SoftwareThe following section shows you how to install the USB Monitor USB Graphics software on differentoperating systems.Note: If you have v3.x, R4.1 or R4.2 USB Monitor software installed you must uninstall it, using theWindows Add/Remove Programs feature, before installing this release. Devices will continue working afterthis release is installed.To Install the Lenovo USB Monitor USB Graphics on Windows 7 / 81. Connect your Lenovo USB Monitor via the USB cable to your PC/Notebook.2. The Lenovo USB Monitor will appear to your PC’s operating system as an external disk.Open it, then double click Setup.exe to install the monitor software.3. Click Yes.The USB Monitor end user licence agreement window opens.4. Click I accept.The USB Monitor software and Lenovo Display Adapter installs.Note: The screen may flash or go black during the install. It will take 2~5 minutes to finish install, pleasekeep USB cable connected during install. After finish install, it will remand you to restart PC5. Unfix the USB cable, then restart PC.6. When PC working well, connect your USB Monitor via the USB cable to your PC.Installing device driver message.7. The screen should flash and the USB Monitor should start to extend the windows desktop.Note: On some machines you may need to reboot before you can use your USB Monitor enabled device.USB Monitor Display Information settingsThe language shown in pictures below is decided by youroperating system : (Unsupported languagesdefault to English)Using the USB Monitor SoftwareThis section describes how to use USB Monitor’s Software. The section is divided into sub-sectionsrelating to your operating system.Note: The terminology for mirror mode, can vary between operating systems and the USB Monitor GUI.The terms “Clone”, “Mirror” and “Duplicate” essentially all provide the same function of cloning thepixels from one display to another.Windows 7 - Controlling the DisplayOn Windows 7, you can configure a USB Monitor device through the use of Windows DisplayProperties (WDP). WDP provides a simple method to attach, rotate, duplicate or extend screens as wellas modify screen resolution.To open WDP1. Right click on the USB Monitor icon .2. Click Advanced Configuration.3. WDP opens.Chapter 4. Working with LT1423pwC Wide USB Monitor 4-3