⌘˖˄1)↔㺘ᓄ⭡䬰୶ⴆㄐ⺞䇔˗˄2)ሩҾਟ䘲⭘ޣ“йव”㿴ᇊⲴӗ૱ˈᵜ؞؍ㅹ਼Ҿ“䇱ࠝйव ”˗˄3)㔤؞䇠ᖅԕᦸᵳᴽ࣑ᵪᶴ㔤ࠝ؞䇱Ѫ߶ˈ⭣䈧ᴽ࣑ਾˈ䈧࿕ழ؍㇑DŽ “Lenovo”ǃ“thinkplus”᮷ᆇ৺ᗭḷᱟ㚄ᜣ䳶ഒᡰԱъⲴ୶ḷDŽᨀ৺ⲴަԆޜਨǃӗ૱઼ᴽ࣑〠ਟ㜭ᱟަ㠚ᤱᴹӪⲴ୶ḷDŽNote: (1) this form should be sealed and confirmed by the dealer; (2) for the products applicable tothe relevant "three guarantees" policy, this warranty card is equivalent to the "certificate of threeguarantees"; (3) the maintenance record should be subject to the maintenance certificate issued bythe authorized service agency, and please keep it properly after service application. The words,such as "Lenovo" and "thinkplus", and logos are the trademarks of Lenovo Group. The othermentioned companies, products and service names may be trademarks of their respective holders.⡸ᵳᡰᴹ© 2018 㚄ᜣ䳶ഒᡰԱъ؍⮉ᡰᴹᵳ࡙DŽCopyright © 2018 Lenovo Group’s affiliated companies reserve all rights.