Lenovo HE05 Manual
or you can take the logistics payment on arrival (specifically, the customer service description ofproduct services shall prevail) to take the defective products to the designated maintenance centerand we will mail your product to you after the completion of maintenance. If there is specialdisposal during the maintenance process, such as non-damage, expiration of guarantee time andother circumstances which do not comply with service requirements, we will contact you toconfirm the post-processing. Please ensure the smooth communication during delivery andmaintenance, and you are obliged to cooperate with us in the relevant invoice review if necessary.In order to avoid logistics disputes, you need to ensure that the safe mailing packaging cooperatewith the acceptance carried out by logistics personnel, and it is recommended that you use theoriginal packaging of your product.ԕлᛵߥн൘؍؞઼ 䘰ᦒ䍗㤳തѻThe following circumstances are not covered by warranty, refund and exchange.ķ ഐ䈟⭘ǃཆǃ᭩㻵ǃн䘲ᖃⲴ⢙⨶ᡆ⧟ໍາǃ㠚❦⚮ᇣǃ⭥⎼ǃ䴧ࠫ৺нᖃ㔤ᣔᡆ؍㇑ሬ㠤Ⲵ᭵䳌ᡆᦏൿ˗ķ Faults or damages caused by misuse, accident, modification, inappropriate physical oroperating environment, natural disaster, surge, lightning stroke and improper maintenance orstorage;ĸㅜйᯩӗ૱ .ᴽ࣑ᡆ㹼Ѫሬ㠤Ⲵ᭵䳌ᡆᦏൿ˗ĸ Third-party products. Faults or damages caused by services or behaviors;Ĺ֯⭘䶎ᤷᇊ䖟Ԧ䙐ᡀⲴ᭵䳌ᡆᦏൿ˗Ĺ Faults or damages caused by using non-specified software;ĺ ӗ૱֯⭘䗷〻ѝਁ⭏Ⲵ㝡㢢 .⼘ᦏ઼⎸㙇˗ĺ Decolorization, wear and consumption during the use of products;Ļ ӗ૱ਟԕн䰤ᯝᡆᰐ䭉䈟ൠ䘀㹼˗Ļ Products can run uninterruptedly or without errors;ļ ᮠᦞяཡᡆᦏൿ˗ļ Data loss or damage;Ľ ӗ૱ᡆ䜘ԦⲴᴹ䇶࡛ḷㆮ㻛ᴤ᭩ᡆ৫䲔ˈӗ૱Ⲵ喀༷ᙗ઼ཆ㿲⣦ᘱн؍䇱㤳തˈᛘᓄ൘᧕ਇӗ૱ᰦᖃ൪Ự傼ᒦሩԫօнㅖᨀࠪᔲ䇞DŽĽ When the original identification label of products or components is changed or removed,product completeness and appearance state do not belong to the guarantee scope, so you shouldinspect products on the spot when accepting them and raise objections to discrepancies. |
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