For the x480 X6 or x880 X6, if two compute nodes are scaled together, then a maximum of 3 scaledcomplexes can be installed. For the x880 X6, if four compute nodes are scaled together, then a maximumof 1 scaled x880 X6 complexes can be installed. Other bays can be filled with other compute nodes.The table in the Power Supplies section provides guidelines about what number of compute nodes can bepowered on in the Enterprise Chassis, based on the type and number of power supplies installed.See ServerProven® for the latest information about the supported servers: I/O modulesThe Flex System Enterprise Chassis has four high-speed switch bays that are capable of supporting avariety of I/O architectures.The switches are installed in switch bays in the rear of the Flex System Enterprise Chassis as shown in thefollowing figure. Switches are normally installed in pairs (bays 1 & 2, and bays 3 & 4), because I/O adaptercards installed in the compute nodes route to two switch bays for performance and redundancy.Figure 4. Location of the switch bays in the Flex System Enterprise ChassisThe following table lists the switches that are supported by the chassis.Note: Some switches are withdrawn from marketing.Flex System Enterprise Chassis 7