4-10 9K998MAINTENANCE5. Rear Seed Box: Individual Seed Meter Cups canbe adjusted as required. Adjustments can be madeby loosening the 1/4-20 x 5/8 Machine Screws thatmount the Seed Meter Cup to the Seed Box. Adjustthe affected Seed Meter Cup so the Feed Shutoff isagainst the Seed Meter Cup Star Washer in the SeedMeter Cup (closed). Be sure the Feed Roll staysengaged in the Seed Meter Cup Star Washer.Figure 4-13.Figure 4-13: Small Seed MeterLED Warning LampsWhen plugging in the LED 7 Pin Warning LampConnector:1. Make sure the Tractor has a good clean Receptacle,free of dirt and corrosion.2. Make sure the 7 Pin Connector is inserted ALL theway in. With tighter fitting pins, operator may thinkthe Connector is all the way in, but it really isn’t.3. Make sure the Tractor Receptacle Cover latchesover the keyway on the 7 Pin Connector to hold theConnector in place.If an operator plugs in the 7 Pin Connector, but the lightsdo not seem to work right, check the above items tomake sure there is a good connection with the 7 PinConnector.Figure 4-14: LED Warning Lights6HHG0HWHU&XS6WDU:DVKHU)HHG5ROO6HHG0HWHU&XS)HHG6KXWRႇ:DVKHU$PEHU/('/DPS/(':DUQLQJ/LJKWV+DUQHVV)ODVKHU&RQWURO0RGXOH3LQ3LQ+DUQHVV5HG/('/DPS $PEHU/('/DPS