MAINTENANCE9K998 4-5Hydraulic MaintenanceIMPORTANTLower the unit to the ground, and relieve hydraulicpressure before attempting to service any hydrauliccomponent. WARNING1. Check the tractor hydraulic fluid level per Tractorowner's manual and after any leakage. Check fluidlevel with the Hydraulic Cylinders in the extendedposition.2. If a Hydraulic Cylinder leaks, disassemble the partsto determine the cause of the leak. Any time aHydraulic Cylinder is opened up, or whenever anySeal replacement is necessary, it is advisable toclean all parts and replace all Seals. Seal Kits areavailable from your Brillion dealer.3. Check all Hydraulic Hoses weekly. Look for bindingor cracking. Replace all worn or defective partsimmediately.4. Transport Locks are provided to hold the implementin a raised position. Do not attempt to perform anyservice work under the implement without firstinstalling the Transport Locks. Figure 3-5. Beforeservicing any hydraulic component, lower theimplement to the ground and relieve all systempressure. If a hydraulic component is disconnected,repaired, or replaced, it will be necessary to purgethe system of air before operation. See “HydraulicLift System” on page 3-7.Front and Rear RollersAfter an initial run of 5-10 hours, check the Front andRear Roller Assemblies to ensure that the Wheels aretight to one another and that the Clamp Bands are tight. Ifnot slide the Roller Wheels tight together and adjust theRoller Clamp Bands. Tighten the Clamp Band SocketHead Bolt (Clamp Band open section) over Roller Drumweld seam to 75ft-lbs. Thereafter check Front and RearRoller Assemblies every 50-100 hours.IMPORTANTTo maximize seed germination, peaks on Rear RollerWheels should line up with valleys on the FrontRoller Wheels. This will require adjusting the ClampBands on each end of the Rear Roller Drum andmoving the Wheels until valleys and peaks line up.Turfmaker Sprockets may be added between theRear Roller Wheels to improve the alignment of thepeaks and valleys. Add as many TurfmakerSprockets between the Wheels as required toachieve proper alignment. Each Sprocket is 3/8”wide. Figure 2-56.NOTEFailure to position the Clamp Band Socket Head Bolt(Clamp Band open section) over the Roller Drum weldseam will cause Clamp Band to loosen and slide.Roller Adjustment Procedure1. Adjust the Front Roller Wheels first. Loosen ClampBands and slide the Roller Wheels snug againsteach other, centering the entire assembly under theDeflector.2. Position the Clamp Band Socket Head Bolt (ClampBand open section) over the weld seam on the RollerDrum.3. Slide the Clamp Band against the End Wheel oneach end of the Roller and tighten the Clamp BandBolt to 75ft-lbs. Figure 4-3.Adjust the Rear Roller Wheels in the same manner asyou adjusted the Front Roller Wheels except, start at thecenter of the Rear Roller and align the peaks of the RearRoller Wheels with the valleys of the Front Roller Wheels.This will provide the best alignment of worn RollerWheels.Figure 4-3: Clamp BandsEscaping fluid under pressure can be nearlyinvisible and have enough force to penetrate theskin causing serious injury. Use a piece ofcardboard, rather than hands to search forsuspected leaks. Wear protective gloves andsafety glasses or goggles when working withHydraulic System5HDU5ROOHU)URQW 5ROOHU&ODPS%DQGV:HOGHG6HDP:HOGHG6HDP