NeoTherm Boilers and Water Heaters Page 83• On each of the boilers used for DHW, the twoburners in that boiler will operate in Lead/Lagmode. You can think of each of these boilersas a separate two-burner Lead/Lag system.Once a system is set up this way, if there is no DHWdemand, the system will operate like any otherLead/Lag system. If a demand for DHW arrives,the boilers used for DHW will stop providing heatfor central heat. On the DHW boilers, the pump(s)for the DHW loops will start, and those boilers willprovide heat to just the indirect water heaters.Because this affects an individual boiler, and not thewhole Lead/Lag system, the configuration is donefrom outside the Lead/Lag section of the software.Remember that the boiler includes two controller/burner combinations. You have to set the DHWpriority on both of the controller/burners.1. Start at the Home screen. Press the icon forthe controller you want to configure.2. The Status Summary page for that controllerwill appear. Press the Configure button.3. The system will present the Configurationscreen. Scroll down until you see the linelabeled “DHW Priority vs CH.”Fig. 116 – DHW Configuration Screen4. Select that line by pressing it. If you wantto change the DHW priority, the system willask you to log in using the installer-levelpassword. For this kind of installation, theentry should be “DHW> CH.”5. Go to the line for “DHW Priority vs LeadLag.” For this kind of installation, the entryshould be “DHW> LL.”6. Remember to change the settings on the othercontroller/burner for this boiler.Setup type 3 –The third possibility is to set up a single boiler thatjust provides domestic hot water. The model NTVunit is designed for this kind of “volume water”service. The water is heated as it moves throughthe boiler, and that same water is supplied directlyfor domestic use. This is really like a conventionalLead/Lag setup, except priority is given to domestichot water, and there is no input for the centralheating function.• On each boiler which will operate this way,connect a DHW sensor or the input from theaquastat to terminals 5 and 6 on TB6. Besure there is no thermostat connected (checkterminals 5 and 6 on TB7).• The two burners in each boiler will operatein the Lead/Lag mode. You can think of eachboiler as a separate two-burner Lead/Lagsystem.• The setpoint used is the LL DHW setpoint, setas part of the Lead/Lag system.• In the Lead/Lag setup, DHW is given priority.1. From the Home screen (Fig. 117), press theView Lead Lag button.fig. 117 – Home Screen