Mascot II Boilers and Water Heaters Page 11INSTALLATION STANDARDSMATERIAL UNITED STATES CANADAStainless Steel UL 1738 Venting must be ULC-S636 certified for use asPVC, sch 40 ANSI/ASTM D178 venting material. The venting material must be chosenCPVC, sch 40 ANSI/ASTM F441 based upon the intended application of the boiler.Table 5. Required Exhaust Vent Material.3.2 Venting (Exhaust)WARNINGFailure to use the appropriate vent material, installationtechniques, glues/sealants could lead to vent failurecausing property damage, personal injury or death.WARNINGAll venting must be installed according to this manualand any other applicable local codes, including but notlimited to, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, CSA B149.1,CSAB149.2 and ULC-S636. Failure to follow thismanual and applicable codes may lead to propertydamage, severe injury, or death.The flue temperature of the Mascot II changesdramatically with changes in operating watertemperature. Therefore, it is necessary to assess theapplication of the boiler to determine the requiredcertified vent class. If the Mascot II is installed in anapplication where the ambient temperature iselevated, and/or installed in a closet/alcove, CPVC orstainless steel material is required. If the systemtemperatures are unknown at the time ofinstallation, stainless or CPVC material isrecommended.The Mascot II is a Category IV appliance and maybe installed with PVC and CPVC that complies withANSI/ASTM D1785 F441, or a stainless steel ventingsystem that complies with UL 1738 Standard(see Table 5).INSTALLATIONS IN CANADA require the useof venting material certified to ULCS636. All Gasvents connected to the Mascot II, plastic, stainlesssteel or otherwise must be certified to this ULCstandard. Appropriate selection of vent material isvery important for proper performance and safeoperation of the Mascot II.The flue temperature of the Mascot II changesdramatically with changes in operating watertemperature. Therefore, it is necessary to assess theapplication of the boiler to determine the requiredcertified vent class. If the Mascot II is installed in anapplication where the outlet water temperatureexceeds 145°F, and/or installed in a closet, class IIBor higher vent material is required. If the systemtemperatures are unknown at the time ofinstallation, class IIB or higher venting material isrecommended.IN CANADA all venting used must meet thefollowing requirements:1. ULC-S636 certified and marked2. The first 3 feet of venting must be accessible forvisual inspection.3. All components used in the vent system must befrom a certified manufacturer.4 . Vent system components must not be mixedwith alternate manufacturers certifiedcomponents and/or unlisted components.5 . The venting must be installed according to thevent manufacturers installation instructions.The unit’s vent can terminate through the roof, orthrough an outside wall.See Table 2 to select the appropriate vent pipediameter. Vent pipe must pitch upward, toward the ventterminal, not less than 1/4" per foot, so that condensatewill run back to the Mascot II to drain. Route vent pipeto the heater as directly as possible. Seal all joints andprovide adequate hangers as required in the ventingsystem manufacturer’s Installation Instructions.Horizontal portions of the venting system must besupported to prevent sagging and may not have any lowsections that could trap condensate. The unit must notsupport the weight of the vent pipe. Please see Table 2for proper diameter vs. length allowed.Figure 7. Combustion Air and Vent Through Roof.