Mascot FT Combination BoilerPage 25WARNING:Open flame can cause gas to ignite and result inproperty damage, severe injury, or loss of life.NOTE: The Mascot FT appliance and all other gasappliances sharing the gas supply line must be firing atmaximum capacity to properly measure the inlet supplypressure. The pressure can be measured at the supplypressure port on the gas valve. Low gas pressure couldbe an indication of an undersized gas meter, undersizedgas supply lines and/or an obstructed gas supply line.SCHED 40 METAL PIPE CAPACITY FOR 1.50 SPECIFIC GRAVITYUNDILUTED PROPANENOMINAL PIPE SIZE @ 11" W.C. INLET AND 0.5" W.C. PRESSURE DROPSIZE 1/2" 3/4" 1"LENGTH MAXIMUM CAPACITY IN THOUSANDS OF BTU PERHOUR20 200 418 78740 137 287 54160 - 231 43480 - 197 372100 - 175 330NOTES: 1. Follow all local and national propane gas codes for line sizing andequipment requirements. 2. Verify that inlet gas pressure remains between4 and 13 inches of water column before and during operation.Source: ANSI Z223.1-80 National Fuel Gas Code.Table 7. Nominal Pipe Size, PropaneSCH 40 METAL PIPE CAPACITY FOR 0.60 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GASNOMINAL PIPE SIZE @ 0.30" W.C. PRESSURE DROPLENGTH 3/4" 1"FT CUBIC FEET OF GAS PER HOUR20 190 35040 130 24560 105 19580 90 170100Table 8. Nominal Pipe Size, Natural Gas4.9 Gas Supply and PipingGas piping should be supported by suitable hangers orfloor stands, not the appliance.Review the following instructions before proceeding withthe installation.1. Verify that the appliance is fitted for the proper typeof gas by checking the rating plate. Mascot FT willfunction properly at elevations up to 10,000 feet(3050 m). Refer to Section 4.12 for High AltitudeSettings.2. The maximum inlet gas pressure must not exceed13" W.C. (3.2kPa). The minimum inlet gas pressureis 3.5" W.C. (1.0kPa).3. Refer to Table 8, Table 7 and Table 9 to size piping.4. Run gas supply line in accordance with allapplicable codes.5. Locate and install manual shutoff valves inaccordance with state and local requirements.6. A sediment trap must be provided upstream of thegas controls.7. All threaded joints should be coated with pipingcompound resistant to action of liquefied petroleumgas.8. The appliance and its individual shutoff valvemust be disconnected from the gas supply pipingduring any pressure testing of that system at testpressures in excess of 1/2 PSIG (3.45kPa).9. The unit must be isolated from the gas supplysystem by closing its individual manual shutoff valveduring any pressure testing of the gas supply pipingsystem at test pressures equal to or less than 1/2PSIG (3.45kPa).10. The appliance and its gas connection must be leaktested before placing it in operation.11. Purge all air from gas lines.EQUIVALENT LENGTHS OF STRAIGHT PIPE FOR TYPICAL SCH 40 FITTINGSNOMINAL PIPE SIZEFITTING 1/2" 3/4" 1"LINEAR FEET90° ELBOW 3.6 4.4 5.2TEE 4.2 5.3 6.6Table 9. Equivalent Pipe LengthsCAUTIONPRV (included) must be installed immediately at thetop of boiler outlet to PRV, with no valves between.Refer to Section 4.15__________________________________________ATTENTIONPRV (inclus) doit être installé immédiatement en hautde la chaudière sortie de PRV, sans les vannes entre.Se reporter à la Section 4.15__________________________________________