LAARS Heating SystemsPage 26The gas connection fitting on the unit is 1/2˝female NPT.The supply line must be sized for the maximumoutput of the combination boiler model beinginstalled. If there are additional gas appliancesfrom the main supply line, you must measuresizes of the supply line according to theCOMBINED total maximum BTUH draw for theappliances as if they were all operating at thesame time.Measure the length of the gas supply line fromthe gas meter to the Combination boiler.Use the tables in this manual or refer to the gasline manufacturers sizing information to determinethe correct supply pipe size.The gas shut-off valve in the gas supply lineshould be installed close to the unit.CLOSE POSTIONUNION FITTINGMANUAL SHUT OFF VALVEGAS PIPE4.9 Gas Supply and PipingGas Line Valve DetailSECTION 4. InstallationTo facilitate any future maintenance, it is alsorecommended that an approved gas union fittingbe installed in the supply line between the shut-offvalve and the 1/2˝ female NPT connection on theCombination boiler.1) Install an approved gas line pipe to gas lineconnection under the Combination boiler.Include manual shut off valve and gas unionconnection, as shown.2) Test gas pressure to make sure it meets theminimum standards and does not exceedthe maximum standards for the combinationboiler.3) Leak test the gas line pipe before placing theunit in operation. Use approved leak detectorliquid solutions only to check for leaks.Do Not Operate the combination boiler until allconnections have been completed, checked forleaks, and the heat exchanger is filled with water.