Mascot II Boilers and Water HeatersPage 33SECTION 11.MaintenanceWARNINGDisconnect all power to the appliance beforeattempting any service to the appliance. Contact withelectricity can result in severe injury or death.11.1 System Maintenance(yearly, unless otherwise noted)1. If a strainer is employed in a pressure reducingvalve or the piping, clean it every six months.2. Inspect the venting system for obstruction orleakage at least once a year. Periodically clean thescreens in the vent terminal and combustion airterminal (when used).3. Keep the appliance area clear and free fromcombustible materials, gasoline, and otherflammable vapors and liquids.4. If the appliance is not going to be used forextended periods in locations where freezingnormally occurs, it should be isolated from thesystem and completely drained of all water.5. Low water cutoffs, if installed, should be checkedevery year. Float type low water cutoffs should beflushed periodically.6. Inspect and clean the condensate collection systemyearly.7. When a means is provided to neutralizecondensate, ensure that the condensate is beingneutralized properly.8. Removal of burner door and inspection ofcombustion coil and flue passages is requiredat least once a year. Clean with a soft bristlebrush / vacuum or wash with water if necessary.Sooting and buildup on the coils is an indication ofimproper set up and poor combustion. Determinethe cause and make corrections.9. Inspect the vent system and air intake system, andensure that all joints are sealed properly. If jointsneed to be resealed, completely remove existingsealing material, and clean with alcohol. Applynew sealing material, and reassemble.11.2 Appliance Maintenance andComponent DescriptionUse only genuine LAARS replacement parts.CautionLabel all wires prior to disconnection when servicingcontrols. Wiring errors can cause improper and danger-ous operation. Verify proper operation after servicing.Mascot II gas and electric controls are engineeredfor long life and dependable operation, but the safety ofequipment depends on their proper functioning. Onlya qualified service technician should inspect the basicitems listed below every year:a. Appliance control f. Flow switchb. Automatic gas valve g. Low water cutoffc. Pressure switches h. Burnerd. Blower i. Heat exchangere. Pump11.2.1 BurnerCheck the burner for debris. Remove the blowerarm assembly to access the burner. Remove the 4 boltsconnecting the blower to the arm (see Figure 32).Remove the 5 bolts, which hold the burner arm in place.Pull burner up and out. Clean burner, if necessary, byblowing compressed air from the outside of the burnerinto the center of the burner, and wipe the inside of theburner clean with glass cleaner. A dirty burner may be anindication of improper combustion or dirty combustionair. Determine the cause, and correct. If damaged,replace the burner gasket when replacing the burner.NOTE: When installing the burner, make sure the flangeis aligned with the mating surface, as each is keyed tocontrol fit.11.2.2 Appliance ControlMascot II has an integrated control thatincorporates manual reset high limit control, operatingtemperature control, modulating control, ignitioncontrol, outdoor reset control, pump control and manyother features. If any of these features are thoughtto be defective, please consult the factory for propertrouble shooting practices prior to replacing the control.If control replacement is required, turn off all powerto the appliance and shut off all manual gas valves tothe appliance. Remove the front door to the applianceand the control panel plastic bezel. Remove all wireconnections from the control board. The control boardconnections are keyed to only allow connection in theproper location, but proper handling techniques shouldbe used to avoid damage to the wiring or connectors. Toremove the control push in on the two tabs on the leftside of the board to unlatch the clips from the controlpanel. Rotate the control around the fastening pointson the right side of the control to remove the hooksfrom the control panel. To replace the control repeat thesteps above in the reverse order making sure to connectall wires in the proper location. Place the appliance inoperation following the steps outlined in Section Ignitor AssemblyThe ignitor assembly is a two rod system thatconsists of a ground rod and a sense rod. To remove theignitor assembly, shut off the 120 Volt power supply tothe appliance. Turn off all manual gas valves connectingthe appliance to the main gas supply line. Remove thefront door of the boiler to gain access to the ignitorassembly. Remove the two wires connected to theassembly. Then remove the two bolts connecting theignitor assembly to the burner door. Remove and replacethe old ignitor assembly gasket. Reinstall a new ignitorassembly in the reverse order if the old assembly isdetermined defective. Replace gasket if necessary.