microswitch, situated under the body ofthe appliance, that cuts the electricity tothe motor.HOPPERTONGUEMICROSWITCHThe push button that controls thisdevice is operated by a tongue in thecollar of the hopper. If the hopper isremoved or not properly in place, themicroswitch prevents the appliance fromworking. To ensure the hopper is posi-tioned correctly it must be fixed to thecasing using the relevant pins.COFFEE OUTLET GUARDThe coffee outlet guard must always befixed to the doser (Vulcano Automatic),or to the funnel (Vulcano on Demand),using the relevant screws, which mustnever be removed by the user. THEREMOVAL OF THE COFFEE OUTLETGUARD CAN BE DONE BY SKILLEDTECHNICAL PERSONNEL ONLY AFTERDISCONNECTING THE APPLIANCEFROM THE POWER SUPPLY BYUNPLUGGING.COFFEEOUTLET GUARDBefore reconnecting the appliance tothe power supply, fix the safety device tothe doser, or to the funnel, by relevantscrews.11. Warnings regarding safetyThis electrical appliance must be usedin conformity with the rules in forcegoverning safe operation.• WHEN OPERATING THE APPLIANCE,BEWARE OF THE MOVING MECHAN-ICAL PARTS’ IN THE AREA OF THEGRINDING BLADES AND OF THEGROUND COFFEE OUTLET. BEFOREREMOVING THE HOPPER FROM THEGRINDING SYSTEM, DISCONNECTTHE POWER SUPPLY. AVOIDREMOVING FOREIGN BODIES FROMTHE GRINDING SYSTEM OR HOPPERWITHOUT FIRST UNPLUGGING THEAPPLIANCE FROM THE MAINS.• Take care, as the grinding blades maycontinue rotating for a short while evenafter the appliance is switched off.• THE USER IS NOT AUTHORIZED TOREMOVE SCREWS OR ANY PARTSSCREWED ONTO THE APPLIANCE.• In the event the appliance is notworking properly or is faulty, contactskilled technical personnel, and do notattempt to make repairs yourself.• BEFORE PERFORMING ANY WORKON THE APPLIANCE, INCLUDINGCLEANING AND/OR MAINTENANCE,DISCONNECT IT FROM THE POWERSUPPLY BY UNPLUGGING. TURNINGOFF THE APPLIANCE USING ITSMASTER SWITCH DOES NOTASSURE THE SAME CONDITIONS OFSAFETY.• Do not tamper with the appliance.• When the appliance is left unattended,the appliance’s power supply must bedisconnected using its master switch(for example, at night, during workbreaks, midweek closing or holidays).• Do not let liquids of any kind comeinto contact with the internal or9EN