Version 1.09GS/3English3www.lamarzocco.comRemedyMessageCoffee boilerfilled?First installat.Enter to confirmThis espresso machine is equipped with severalfeedback mechanisms that alert the operator when anunusual condition occurs� Additionally the espressomachine will warn the operator when certain parametersfall below or above the programmed point� These errorsand warnings will appear as a message in the display�● The following section will describe errors and warningsthat may appear in the display●Press the ENTER button on group 1 keypad to confirm. Then will initialize the CPU and bootthe electronics�This message is displayed after theboilers have been drained� The CPU isverifying that the coffee boiler is full�DescriptionThis is the first installation of theespresso machine and the CPU isasking for verification of this event.Fill the coffee boiler with water (see operating manual for detailed instructions)� Ensure thatall air is bled from the coffee boiler using the air bleed screw atop each group casting� TheCPU will display this message to ensure that the coffee boiler is full before supplying powerto the coffee boiler heating element�Filling-upin progressCorruptedDataMost likely the machine power was disconnected with out first turning off the machinethrough the keypad and display� Turn off machine using main switch to cycle power on andoff� This should clear the errorNo action is required when this message is displayed� This message is only displayed tonotify the operator of the active process�This message is displayed when theCPU does not understand an instruction�This message is displayed when thesteam boiler autofill cycle is activatedand water is entering the steam boiler�Steam BoilerEmptyFilling-upAlarmWhen this message is displayed the CPU also shuts down and turns off power to themachine (see the parameter “Level Timeout”)� Press the ON/OFF button to reset this error�This message is displayed when theCPU does not receive a signal from theSafety Probe in the steam boiler�This message is displayed when theCPU does not detect a full signal fromthe steam boiler within the set timeinterval�When this message is displayed the CPU turns off power to the steam boiler heatingelement� The only way to reset this error is to repair the Safety Probe to restore the signal tothe CPU or fill the steam boiler with water.FlowmeterAlarmSteam BoilerTemperatureWhen this message is displayed call an authorized service technician to repair this fault� Thealso CPU turns power off to the steam boiler�When the flowmeter alarm is displayed, the light on the corresponding button that initiated the brew cyclewill begin to flash. This problem is a result of water not flowing through the flow meter. This can be causedby the coffee packed too tightly, a blockage in the tubes, a malfunctioning water pump, a faulty valve, or adamaged flowmeter. Call a service technician to fix this problem.This message is displayed when thesteam boiler temperature exceeds themaximum allowed temperature�This message is displayed when theCPU does not receive the appropriatesignal from the flowmeter.Coffee BoilerTemperatureCoffee BoilerHeatingSee the parameter “Heating Timeout” for more information�This message is displayed when thecoffee boiler temperature exceeds themaximum allowed temperature�This message is displayed whenthe coffee boiler does not reachthe minimum temperature with theprogrammed time interval�If this happens call an authorized service technician to repair this fault� When this messageis displayed the CPU turns power off to the coffee boiler displayed�TroubleshootingAlert Messages