POWER CORE User ManualVersion: V6.0.0/5148/45911. Routing Matrix11.1 Routing Matrix AnatomyThe routing of audio, whether it be in the base band such as digital AES, through to the IP realm via AES67 /RAVENNA, is integral to all Lawo products and solutions. POWER CORE is one such product that has up to1920 x 1920 internal matrix crosspoints. Numerous tools allow the configurator to action crosspoints and queryconnections on both the internal matrix and external routing platforms such as the Nova17 and Nova 37/73.Lawo's radio on-air product line uses an internal numbering system for all inputs and outputs (illustrated in theMatrix Numbers appendix). These unique numbers can be referenced by other parts of the configuration in orderto make or query routes. In addition, they can be accessed by external control systems, such as the MatrixServer, to remotely control POWER CORE. The matrix numbers are shown in the "Command -> Inputs/Outputs"lists (via the ID column). For example, in the system below, RAVENNA Input 001 has a matrix number = 1409:Command -> InputsThe introduction of IP routing adds another layer of complexity in that streaming connections are made outside ofthe system inside the network. In this instance, the inputs and outputs still need to be referenced. Thus, provisionhas been made to give each RAVENNA Input a Matrix Number to allow an external Matrix Server or LineScheduler to address these as "destinations". This is handled via the "Audio Input -> RAVENNA" branch of the'Tree Definition':Audio Input -> RAVENNA 1-64Various "Connect" elements can then be used to address the matrix inputs and outputs and route themaccordingly.