9EnglishoPEraTINg THE HaND BlENDErBefore first use: charging the battery1 Plug in the charger.3 Slide the battery into the charger,aligning the flat side of the battery to theflat side of the port, and push down toclick into place.4 The LED indicator will begin to flashslowly and continuously as it charges.When the battery is fully charged, theLED will display a continuous light.NoTE: If the charger quickly flashes threetimes after inserting the battery, there is abattery error. Check that the battery is placedproperly in the charger. If the light continuesto flash rapidly, the battery may be extremelycold, hot, wet or damaged. Allow the batteryto cool down, warm up or dry out, thenreinsert. If the problem persists, see the“Service and Warranty” section.5 Charge the battery after each use, whenthe battery indicator lights show lessthan 25% battery life remaining (onlyone light displays on the LED batterylife indicator), or when the battery iscompletely drained.2 Push the lid release button to openthe lid.NoTE: Batteries do not develop a “memory”when charged after only a partial discharge. Itis not necessary to run down the batterybefore placing it on the charger.