1710. Product Specifica0onsPower Sealed in lithium ba0erySensor Electrochemical CO SensorAccuracy Depending on the ambient condi/on (temperature, humidity) and thecondi/on of the sensor, the alarm readings may vary. The digital readingstolerances are:Ambient: 27°C +/- 12°C (80°F +/- 10°F), atmospheric pressure +/- 10%,40% +/- 3% rela/ve humidityTemperature Range Opera/ng range: 0°C to 40°CHumidity Up to 90% non-condensingAlarm Sound At Least 85dB (A) at 1 metre @ 3.4 +/- 0.5 KHz pulsing alarmSize and weight Weight: 160gDimensions: 118mm x 70mm x 40mmNOTE: Constant exposures to extreme temperatures or humidity can reduce battery life .End of Life - This alarm will chirp twice every 30 seconds and the red LED flashes twice after atleast 10 years operation to let you know it has reached its end of life.2539-7201-05_10LLCO_10LLDCO_V1:_ 2016.11.2 9:06 AM Page 17