22 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide1 Programming BasicsGroup Name IdentifiersGroup name identifiers are used to affect a group of inputs or outputsusing a single SCPI command. That is, all properties belonging to theseidentifiers can be addressed simultaneously using the group name.The following SCPI command shows the syntax for creating a group namethen adding the desired location identifiers.SYSTem:INSTrument:GROup:DEFine‘GroupName’,‘Identifier’,‘Identifier’,‘Identifier’,‘...’The following is an example showing ‘Outputs’ as the group name followedby ‘M1.DataOut1’ and ‘M1.DataOut2’ location identifiers assigned to the‘Outputs’ group name identifier.:SYST:INST:GRO:DEF ‘Outputs’,‘M1.DataOut1’,‘M1.DataOut2’The following SCPI command will set all voltage amplitudes in the‘Outputs’ group to 0.05.[:SOURce]:VOLTage[:AMPLitude]VOLT:AMPL ‘Outputs’,0.05Measurement Name IdentifiersMeasurement name identifiers are used to set up parameters associatedwith a specific measurement name. For example, the following shows thebit error ratio plugin SCPI command used to define a measurement namecalled ‘MyMeasurement’::PLUGin:ERATio:NEW ‘MyMeasurement’You can now set up parameters within the :PLUGin:ERATio subsystem tobe associated with the ‘MyMeasurement’ identifier.The following shows the accumulation duration mode (set to fixed time)and duration (set to 120 seconds) parameters associated with the‘MyMeasurement’ identifier.PLUGin:ERATio:ACQuisition:DURation ‘MyMeasurement’, FTIM:PLUGin:ERATio:ACQuisition:TIME ‘MyMeasurement’,120