14 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide1 Programming BasicsModular ConfigurationIn order to describe remote programming for the M8020A, M8030A andM8040A, the modular configuration must be discussed.The M8020A, M8030A and M8040A are modular instruments. They canconsist of several numbers of components. A component can be an AXIechassis, modules, channels, etc. All these components ‘form’ aninstrument. These instruments can be controlled by M8070A systemsoftware.The M8020A instrument supports the following modules.• M8041A high-performance BERT generator-analyzer-clock 8/16 Gb/s• M8051A high-performance BERT generator-analyzer 8/16 Gb/s• M8061A multiplexer 2:1 with de-emphasis 32 Gb/s• M8062A 32Gb/s Front-end for J-BERT M8020A High-PerformanceBERTThe M8020A modules must be installed in the M9505A 5-slot chassis.The M8030A instrument supports the following modules.• M8041A high-performance BERT generator-analyzer-clock 8/16 Gb/s• M8051A high-performance BERT generator-analyzer 8/16 Gb/s• M8192A Multi-channel synchronization moduleThe M8030A modules must be installed in the M9514A AXIe 14-slotchassis.For complete details on the features and hardware components of each ofthe above mentioned modules, refer to M8020A and M8030A GettingStarted Guide.M8020A Modular ConfigurationThe following section describes and illustrates various setup combinationsin which you can install the M8020A modules.The following configurations are possible in an M9505A 5-slot chassis:• 1 or 2-channel, 16 Gb/s - (1) M8041A• 3 or 4-channel, 16 Gb/s - (1) M8041A + (1) M8051A• 1-channel, 32 Gb/s (Pattern Generator only) - (1) M8041A + (1)M8061A• 1-channel, 32 Gb/s (Pattern Generator only or full BERT) -(1) M8041A+ (1) M8062A