©2002 Key Curriculum Press Discovering Algebra Calculator Notes for the Texas Instruments TI-83 and TI-83/84 Plus 33CHAPTER 3 Calculator Notes for the TI-83 and TI-83/84 PlusNote 3A • TablesOnce you have entered an equation into the Y screen, you can create a table ofvalues based on that equation.Step 1: Enter the equation(s) into the Y screen. (See Note 1H.)Step 2: Press [TBLSET].a. TblStart is the first x-coordinate you want to see in the table.b. ∆Tbl is the amount of increase or decrease between the x-coordinate inthe table.c. Select Auto for both Indpnt and Depend. (Use Ask for Indpnt to build atable where you enter x-coordinates one at a time.) Usually you willleave both of these settings on Auto.Step 3: Press [TABLE].a. You can scroll up and down the x-coordinates to search for a particulary-coordinate.b. You can arrow over to the y-column to see the number more accuratelydisplayed (if necessary) at the bottom of the screen.c. You can arrow up and highlight the Y1 header to see the equationdisplayed at the bottom of the screen.d. If you press while you are looking at the function, you can editthe equation and see the changes in the table. This action will alsochange the equation in the Y screen.ENTER2nd2nd(continued)