34 Discovering Algebra Calculator Notes for the Texas Instruments TI-83 and TI-83/84 Plus ©2002 Key Curriculum PressNote 3A • Tables (continued) TI-83 and TI-83/84 PlusTable ZoomingWhen you are searching for a particular y-coordinate that does not appear tobe in the table, you can use a technique called “table zooming.” Let’s supposeyou enter the equation Y1 11 X/4.7 and you want to find the x-coordinatethat corresponds to a y-coordinate of 20, but 20 is not in the current table.a. Press [TBLSET].b. Start with a guess for a reasonably close x-coordinate and enter thatvalue in TblStart, in this case, 0, and then enter a large value in ∆Tbl,such as 10.c. Look for y-coordinates on either side of your search value. Arrow sothat the value just less than your search value is at the top of the list.d. Return to [TBLSET] and reduce ∆Tbl by a factor of 10. Notice thatthe value you put at the top of the list is now in TblStart.e. Go back to step c and repeat until you have found the search value, inthis case, 20.2nd2nd