10 11c. After setting the desired AUTO-OFF time,press the MENU button four times toscroll through the remaining program-ming options and exit the programmingmode. 'AUTO OFF SET' will now be dis-played to indicate that it has been set.d. To cancel the AUTO-OFF feature, pressthe MENU button twice to reach theAUTO-OFF programming mode. Pressand release the blue Cup button underthe blinking H to advance one hour at atime until ‘OFF’ is displayed.3. Program your Brewer for a specific AutoOn/Off Time.a. After setting the correct time (required),press the Menu Button three times toprogram the Auto On time feature. TheLCD Control Center will show the pro-gramming options with a small arrownext to 'SET ON TIME'.b. Press or hold the blue Cup button underthe H to scroll through the hours to yourdesired ON time hour.c. Press or hold the blue Travel Mugbutton under the M to scroll through theminutes to your desired ON timeminutes.d. After setting the desired time, press theMenu Button to save the On Time andmove to the SET OFF TIME.e. If you want to set an OFF time, repeatthe procedure above in steps b & c toset your desired OFF time.f. To complete the process, press theMenu Button two more times to exit theprogramming mode. The Control Centerwill now indicate the options you have set.g. The AUTO ON time and AUTO OFF timefunctions operate independently fromone another. To cancel either set func-tion, follow the steps above and use theH and M buttons to advance to 12:00AM. When you reach 12:00 AM, theControl Center will display ‘OFF’ and thefunction will be disabled.EXAMPLE: If you chose to set the On Time at6:15 AM and the Off Time for 10:00 PM, thenthe Brewer will be ‘ON’ and maintain hotwater in the tank during that time so that it isalways ready for you to brew. If you wantedto brew outside this window, simply press thePower Button and you can brew as soon asthe water is heated and the ‘READY TOBREW’ indicator is displayed on the LCDControl Center.READYSET ONCLOCKAUTO OFFTIMEBREW TEMPMENUH MAMNOTREADYSETCLOCKAUTO OFFBREW TEMPMENUH MOFF TIMENOTOFFProgramming Brew Temperature(187° - 192º F)The Brewer brews coffee at a preset tempera-ture of 192 degrees. You can adjust this tem-perature down by 5 degrees if you prefer acooler cup of coffee or tea. Simply follow theinstructions below.1. Press the Menu Button on the LCD ControlCenter five times to program the BrewTemperature feature.2. The LCD Control Center will now displaythe programming options with a smallarrow next to ‘SET BREW TEMP’. Also, thetemperature 192 (initial setting) will be dis-played at the bottom of the LCD ControlCenter to indicate the current temperaturesetting.3. A minus sign will appear over the Cupbutton and/or a plus sign over the TravelMug button. Use these buttons to raise orlower the temperature one degree at atime.4. Once you have reached your desired brewtemperature, press the MENU button onceto exit the programming mode. ‘BREWTEMP SET’ will be displayed in the LCDControl Center if you have changed it from192°.5. To change the brew temperature again,repeat steps 1 through 3 to change thetemperature up and/or down, rememberingthat the temperature can only be between187 degrees and 192 degrees.READYBREWAUTO OFF SETMENUAMTOREADYSETCLOCKAUTO OFFON OFF TIMEBREW TEMPMENUºNOT192NOTE: To use this programming feature,the clock must be set to the correct time.The clock will not be displayed unless thetime is set.NOTE: The AUTO OFF Timer and the AUTOON/OFF Time programming options operateindependently, but can also be programmedto work together. For example, you can setthe AUTO ON Time function to turn on at7:00 AM and then set the AUTO OFF Timerfunction to turn off the Brewer two hoursafter the last brew.READYBREWAUTO OFF SETON TIME SETMENUAMTO