2018-12-18 25 / 74Front sweeper FKM 60Security ENG2.10 Environmental ProtectionWARNINGDanger of environmental damage due to improper handling of operatingmaterials or operating materials as well as cleaning agents or cleaningagents!Improper handling of operating materials or materials as well as cleaningagents or materials can result in extensive environmental and materialdamage.• Read the material safety data sheets and manufacturer's instructionsapplicable to the operating materials, cleaning agents and cleaningagents• Store materials and operating fluids that are hazardous to water and soil,such as oil-contaminated parts, assemblies or components in securedareas or drip pans• Bind worn equipment or operating materials as well as cleaning agentsor cleaning agents with a binder and dispose of according to localregulations• If necessary, clean parts, assemblies or components of adhering oils,greases and other contaminants• Do not allow leaked equipment or operating materials as well asdetergents or cleaning agents to seep into the ground or into drainsThe following environmentally hazardous substancesare used: lubricantsLubricants such as fats and oils contain toxic substances. They must not get intothe environment. Disposal must be carried out by a disposal specialist.OilsOils (such as lubricating, hydraulic or cleaning oils) must not be released into theenvironment. Oils lead to longer-term harmful effects in waters. Disposal must becarried out by a disposal specialist.Observe the safety data sheets of the manufacturer.Electronic componentsElektronische Bauteile können giftige Substanzen enthalten. Sie dürfen nicht in dieUmwelt gelangen. Die Entsorgung muss durch einen Entsorgungsfachbetrieberfolgen.BatteriesBatteries contain toxic heavy metals. They are subject to special waste treatmentand must be delivered to municipal collection points or disposed of by a specialistcompany.